Care Computer Aided Revision & Evaluation

A comprehensive revision tool for medical students

CARE stands for Computer Aided Revision and Evaluation, which is an online self-study system for medical students which provides a comprehensive collection of online worksheets and assignments. This educational platform is used for homework, revision, formative assessment, and evaluation of the students' progress.

Quick revision in CARE is enabled through multiple formats:

  • Swap Cards - Based on the age-old "match the following" concept formatted digitally. Students are required to drag the question cards given over their compatible and correct answer cards.

  • Fill in the Blanks - Digitally formatted in the same way that we know it since childhood, instructing students to choose the correct answer from the given option box, and then drag and drop the selected answer to the blank portion of question.

  • Arrange the Sequence - An exercise where students are required to arrange digitally all the steps of a given process (in questions) in a systematically correct sequence.

  • Flowcharts - A form where components of a structured process appear in random boxes that need to be arranged at appropriate levels, by connecting them with arrows (keeping the correct order in mind), and also by putting the components in them compatible boxes by using the drag and drop method.

  • Labelling the Diagram - An exercise where various parts of the given diagram are marked out with numbers, and students are required to replace the numbers by (labelling) the correct names of the numbered parts.

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